Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Windy City April 29th, 2014

Today was lovely. Clara woke me up with a kiss, I spent the morning with Olivia & Mike before dropping Olivia at school, and then Mike & I went to Chicago. 

It was a headache clinic day, a blessing as this was our first SIX MONTH visit. Yep, down from monthly visits and uncontrolled headaches to a six month visit and only five migraines in the whole six month period. This is still way more than I used to have, but much, much better than this time last year. Also, my migraines are actually controlled by the meds! I know, that sounds weird, but pre-Diamond I would see an aura, take some meds, and pray that I would fall asleep. 50% of the time that happened. The other 50%, to say it nicely I would get to revisit my lunch again and again, every time making my headache worse, until I finally gave in and had Mike take me to the ER. Now? I see an aura, take my rescue meds, and sleep for 4-8 hours. I may wake up in between and be in pain, but I can just go back to sleep and wake up again when I feel better. If those don't work, I have the ER meds at home for Mike to inject me. 

At the end of our appointment today we were told to come back in 6 months and then we would start tapering my daily meds. I'm not going to lie, that makes me nervous. I would rather just take them for life and deal with the side effects, but I have to at least try. 

So, our typical Chicago trips are lunch, a trip to the headache clinic, an amazing bakery, and a little shopping. Either this sweet used kid's boutique clothing store or the mall for Lucy. Then we head back and have a dinner out before coming home.

Post 7 Mike and I's taste buds have changed. It's weird, but I did NOT want a cupcake. And I'm a girl that loves me some cake. Yummmmm...cake. But today my body said no thanks to cake, and so did Mike's. We grabbed lunch at this great Mediterranean chain. It was like Mediterranean Chipotle. It was super good and my body was extremely happy with my pita sandwich. (My post 7 tummy has been sort of sensitive. I'm cutting out some foods for a few more weeks and then adding them in to see if I don't have a sensitivity going on). I don't know the name but Google Mediterranean Chipotle and I'm sure it will pop up ;)

Mike indulged me at the secondhand boutique, but I was good and only bought a skirt for Olivia. That can hardly even be counted as shopping people! We hit a more, well, scary area of town on our way home and stopped in to a model shop so Mike could see some real life models again. The shop owner was super nice and funny. 

We headed home, but skipped dinner out. Mike had a turkey burger and I had almond toast (I know, weird right?) We were home in time to tuck the girls into bed. It was a day where I didn't take any photos, didn't "check in" anywhere, or otherwise use my phone to document life. It was just a day I lived life. And it was pretty darn amazing.

Oh, and bonus!!! Olivia lost her second top front tooth. It was seriously hanging in there in a very gross way for days, but she is too squeamish to pull (and honestly so am I!). I tried to get a pic with our real camera, but that meant flash, and she has her mom's close eyes in all flash photos gene so we're going to try again tomorrow.

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