Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A-wana You to Come to Awana Mom!! April 16, 2014

It's Wednesday. Wednesdays in our house can be crazy. It's all due to the afternoon crunch, of getting Olivia's homework done, the girls fed, and everyone ready for Awana.
Olivia was really excited about Awana, because it was finally Mike and I's turn to help as volunteer parents. It's always nice to volunteer too, because you get an idea of what exactly happens behind the scenes!
I was in Olivia's room, and first I listened to kids recite their memory verses. Olivia did two, which I think is pretty good considering the fact we totally slacked over spring break and forgot to practice. I moved on to the next little girl who had almost an entire Awana book done. This is a book that took my kid almost the whole year to complete. Yes, that kid has a wicked good memory! I wish someone would have warned me though, because I knelt on the ground in front of her for the 20 or so minutes I listened to verses, and these old knees just aren't what they used to be.
After verse time we went outside to play. A little boy latched on to me and we were a tree in squirrels and trees. Then we ran around together for run to a leader. I think this one may have been a made up game, but it got the wiggles out.
We went inside where Oivia's tooth popped out!! She had been messing with it for weeks, this kid just doesn't like to pull teeth out, she lets them die of old age instead. She was excited I saw the tooth come out and she showed everyone, I mean everyone, her new smile :)
We sang some very energetic songs, complete with hand and body motions. I felt like I was back in the 90's (ah....misspent youth), after which awards were handed out. I made another new friend who proceeded to tell me the history of every tooth in her mouth.
I learned a few things tonight
1. It's better to be a tree than a squirrel
2. If it's freezy cold outside running games are pretty awesome
3. I can still get down with the best of them
4. I'm pretty cool in the 10 and under set. Just missed my calling!
Here's a nice photo of Olivia sans tooth

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