Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tis the Season

..for garage sales!  It's my favorite time of the year. The only time I am able to willingly jump out of bed before 7 am with a smile on my face :)
Today kicked off the 2011 season, with the Bridlewood sales.  I love these sales, since so many families live in Bridlewood and there is tons of great kids stuff to chose from.  We got there right when they opened, and I was able to score a few great toy and clothing items.

We started out slow, stopping at a house to check out a cozy coupe for my friend Jody. I think the lady who priced that sale must have been drinking something very good though, since the cozy coupe was priced at $30! I bought mine at the Target Toy Clearance, so I'm not an impartial judge, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen one higher than $10 at a garage sale. The rest of her items were similarly outrageously priced.  Quickly jumped back into the car to check out some more rational sellers.

 At the next sale, there were lots of Build a Bear animals.  I don't normally spend money on stuffed animals, but they had a unicorn, and since O wants a unicorn bday party, I picked it up for $2.

We continued on like mad women, and I found a Bitty Baby teeter totter (another great birthday gift!), a Littlest Petshop playcenter with 11 pets and a mini pet shop set, and a littlest pet shop puzzle and pet.

When we pulled up to the next sale, there was a giant stuffed tiger outside. Of course O wants it. I told her I'd ask (I usually just tell her it's sold when I get back) and the man said it was $1.  For $1 it was worth her happiness and cooperation for the rest of shopping, so in it went.

I also picked up some Uggs and Merrill shoes at this sale, and a pair of Stride Rite sandals. I picked up some more clothes as we continued, a nice velvet Gymboree dress and a cheapie dress for O, as well as a new Gap scarf and some gloves that will fit O next year.
Also picked up a few cheap gates to block off some doorways

Ended the day at a friend's house, where we got a book and an Ariel doll with an extra change of clothes. O was scandalized that there were no underwear, but I explained that that's how garage sales roll.

All in all a very fun day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brain waves

***If you're squeamish, skip this entry.***

Had an appointment with my neurologist this morning. Yes, I see a neurologist, Dr Zimmerman, and I LOVE him. I see him because I'm a migraine sufferer.  And when I say sufferer, I don't mean I take 2 Advil migraine and take it easy for the day.  When I get a migraine, it's full out, never ending pain, followed by explosive vomiting.

I remember my very first migraine.  I was working at Target, so I must have been about 17. The lights on the floor started looking funny, and I went to sit down for a minute. The overhead loudspeaker seemed like the volume had been turned way up, and I started getting pain in my head and feeling nauseous. I called my team leader and told them I was going home, and then called my mommy :) and she and my dad picked me up. My mom knew right away what the problem was, as my Grandma Marlis suffered from migraines.

It could definitely be worse. Back when Grandma suffered from migraines, there were no medications to take to alleviate the symptoms. Mom tells me Grandma would stay in a darkened room for days until she felt better. I can not imagine. I really can not imagine.

My treatment has differed over the years. When I was young, we would wait until the migraine got too intense (throwing up a LOT) and then headed to the ER. After I got married, I saw my general practice doctor about my symptoms. There began the long process of trying every migraine medication in the book, coupled with every anti nausea medication you can think of. I've also been prescribed some pretty heavy duty painkillers in an attempt to just knock me out until the migraine passes. They have worked once or twice, but never long term.

My next physician told me to come into the office when I got a headache for treatment. The problem was, every time I got one and called the office, they told me they couldn't get me in for hours. Yes, not effective.  I finally stood up for myself and asked for a referral to a neurologist. The neurologist hasn't been able to stop my migraines, but his advise has decreased their frequency.

Since I can not find an effect migraine treatment, 99% of the time I end up at the St Joseph ER. They are really amazing there, they get me in a room and administer medications, and then I wait for the doctor. This helps get me in and out more quickly too, as the migraine is controlled much better. Since there is no family close by, and we depend on friends to come over in a pinch and watch the children, getting in and out is of paramount importance.

The longest I've sat in an ER room without treatment was 5 hours. The whole time I sat rocking on the bed, keeling and vomiting while Mike sat in the dark room and tried to keep me sane. If you don't have intense migraines, I'll attempt to describe the pain. Imagine someone taking an icepick and inserting it behind one of your eyes. Then they pick, pick, pick, pick at the spot incessantly. I am not a wimp. I had two children at home with no pain medications. I would prefer to go through labor again then to have another migraine. At least with labor pains, the pains come and subside, get intense, and retreat. By the time they are on top of each other you're getting close to a birth, and you can push through until your baby is born. With migraine pain, there is no pay off, and no end without much suffering or heavy duty drugs.

No one is 100% sure of the cause of migraines. There are some ideas that hormones play a role, as well as stress, the foods you eat, dehydration, weather, etc. Each person is different, and each person's triggers are different as well. Some people respond well to OTC medications, others to prescription drugs, and still others like me have to be treated in the hospital. I am somewhat lucky, as I get 3-4 migraines per year. Some can get a migraine every day.

I get auras before my migraines. If I could describe it to you, I'd say it looks like the flash in your eyes after someone takes a picture of you. You know how you have those blinking flashers in the corner of your eyes for a while? My auras kind of look like that. Also, lines on the things I'm looking at get blurry, which starts the nausea problem.  When I get an aura, I'm supposed to take my medication right away. One of the keys to stopping a migraine is treating it as soon as possible. My brand new medication is Imitrex injections, which I get to administer into my thigh. My doctor described it as "Star Trek" medicine, since I don't have to stick and push the needle, instead the needle is automatic.

I have used Imitrex before, it was one of the first drugs I tried actually, but my doctor says new research shows your brain rewires after pregnancy, affected by the estrogen and progesterone, and medications that once didn't work can work after all. It's a stop gap measure, the medicine I really should be taking is not safe for nursing or pregnant women, and migraines won't make me stop nursing.

If you suffer from migraines, and you don't see a neurologist, please please call for an appointment today. You deserve to have a great quality of life, and effectively treating your migraines can make a huge difference. And if you don't suffer from migraines, I hope you understand a little more now what they entail, and the next time a friend needs help because they are in too much pain to even move, please help them in any way you can.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Taking a ladies only vay-cay is actually good for my health?

I am one of those adults who has been blessed with wonderful friends. They tee pee my house, hold my hand when I cry, and are always up for a good time!

My very best friend of all though is super special.  We have a relationship that nothing can come between. Although we have different lifestyles and don't see, or even talk to each other daily, when we come together it's like we haven't been apart for a second.  If you've been blessed with a relationship like this then you know exactly what I'm talking about. And if you haven't, you're thinking, huh? ;)

Since we've gotten a little older, we've made a tradition of the girl's only summer trip.  It's our way to reconnect and spend some quality time one on one. We've traveled to the dessert in the middle of summer (bonding, it's all about the bonding!) and  celebrated the 4th of July in Chicago on Navy Pier. Last summer I had a new baby, so the annual trip was skipped. 

The talk has started about the upcoming summer and where we want to go. The decision was made, and it's Vegas baby! But, I have to admit, that in the midst of the planning, I was feeling pretty guilty. Guilt at the thought of leaving my husband with the girls overnight, for multiple nights. Guilt at taking time off from my brand new job. Guilt at leaving my still nursing baby, and wondering how I would juggle pumping while trying to have a good time.

I was reading a magazine today while Clara ate her lunch. It's one of the multiple free magazines I subscribe too, so maybe Redbook or Women's Day or something along those lines. In it was an article about women going on vacation together.  It said that vacationing with a female friend is great for your psyche, your health, and your bond with your family. Women talk to each other in a different way when they are freed from the day to day tasks that they usually complete. These vacations recharge and restore you, and make you a better mother and wife.

What great timing for that article.  And yes, if you ask me, it was definitely a God thing, where He knew I was struggling and put the tools in my way to show me, it's okay. So watch out Vegas, cause here we come! (Oh and ps, if you know some cheap and fun things to do in Vegas, please let me know!)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Birthdays and the bunny

I can't believe the weekend's over again! We had such a busy one, but it was a lot of fun.

On Saturday, I spent most of the day at the children's resale event.  It went so great, just a few small hiccups.  I love the ladies on the committee, and I wish I got to see them more than a few times during the year! On Saturday night I was exhausted (I did get up at 6am after all.  6 am and Ashley do not mix!) and I went to bed early.

I planned to sleep a little later on Sunday but Mike sent sicked Clara on me bright and early.  It was a good thing he did, as we had a lot to do Saturday. We got the girls bathed and beautiful, and when Clara woke from her nap we headed to Olivia's classmate's birthday party.

It was a perfect Sunday party.  Bounce houses, cake, snacks.  I love watching Olivia interact with her friends.  She's outgoing and loving, she is truly my little social butterfly.

After her friend's birthday it was time to head to the Martin's for Bennie Ninja's party. He turned three, which I still can't believe.  We had a great time at his party, playing with toys, more cake, and just chatting with friends.

Since we already spent half our day partying, we didn't want to head home.  Instead we went to our neighborhood's Easter Egg hunt.  The hunt was so-so, but we got a picture with Mr Bunny himself, which is the main reason I wanted to attend.  Olivia had fun, and Clara loved the eggs, until she had to give them back ;) Next year I'll have to remember to bring some eggs from home so she can hold them as long as she wants.

We came home, put Clara to bed, and watched the beginning of the Scooby Doo movie.  Olivia is obsessed with Scooby Doo, everyday we have to pretend we're alternately Velma, Daphne, Freddie, the ghost, and Shaggy.  But never Scooby, that's always her role to play!

Monday, April 11, 2011

If the shoe fits....

I think you all know by now that I love shopping.  My heart races to score a great deal, and I love bringing things home for my family to enjoy.  I could spend all day shopping for my daughters and my husband, but shopping for me?  I hate it! It's not that I don't like new things, I do.  And it's not that I can't find things I look good in, for a momma of 2, I feel pretty darn good about my body. It's just the physical act of spending money on my needs makes me feel, I don't know, guilty? Selfish?

Because of this shopping block, I have had the same pair of tennis shoes for years.  I tried to remember back to when I bought them, but I couldn't.  I know they are at least 2 years old, since I had them when I was pregnant with Clara, but I don't know their exact date of purchase.  I love these shoes, since they're wide enough for my crazy feet, and they're black, so you could wear them for 2+ years and they still looked okay.  But they didn't work okay.  I punish my tennis shoes.  I wear them at least twice a week for Baby Boot Camp, 3-4 times a week when I work out with my "trainer" and now I started the whole running gig.  I knew the shoes needed to be replaced, but I couldn't "just do it"

Finally my hand was forced.  Something is wrong with my right foot.  It hurts pretty bad when I work out.  I don't know if I did something in class or just walked on it wrong.  I tried to ignore it, I tried to baby it, but it just has not improved.  I made the difficult ;) decision to buy a new pair of shoes.

I asked Mike to go with me yesterday.  He was excited, since he loves to buy me things as much as I do him.  He suggested a trip to the New Balance store in Granger, since they know their stuff.  We packed up the girls and went to the store. 

For a Sunday afternoon the store was pretty busy. There were 3 people working and 3 customers in front of us. We looked at the shoes that were out and sat down to wait, attempting to corral our two children until someone was done. When one of the workers finished checking out their customer, I thought "Yes! We can finally get these crazy children out of here!" Well, we did, but not in the way you would expect.  The employee looked straight at us, picked up shoes, and started putting them away. Not a "I'll be right with you," or anything.  I guess we weren't good enough for those shoes!  We stood up, walked all the way through the store, and left.  No one spoke to us at all. I was really surprised, as I assumed the customer service would be excellent in that store, but it was totally not!

I of course decided this was a sign from God to keep my old shoes, but Mike was not swayed.  He drove our tired band to the mall and took me to Lady's Foot Locker, where we were helped by a fab-u-lous man with hair nicer than mine.  He knew his shoes though, and he was great with helping me find a pair.  Not as fancy as the New Balances, but I took them for a run yesterday and they feel divine. 

(Don't worry, picture taken before run!)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Miss me?

Sorry for the delay between posts. For the last few weeks my amazing views have been mainly of things like this....
Olivia and Clara started out the sickness, and we've been spreading it around the family since. Of course, none of us had the same thing, until this last cold/cough/bronchitis bit. Yes, we've been doing our best to stay originals even in the face of major illness!

Anyways, got motivated to film the start of my Silk 10 day challenge. Of course this meant I had to, First-buy Silk. Second-charge video camera. Third-look decent enough by the end of the day to allow myself to be captured on film. And fourth and finally-con Mike into filming. (The last parts pretty easy, actually!). So the cosmos aligned Thursday night, and I poured myself a big ol' glass of Silk's vanilla coconut milk.  Okay, half a glass.  I love milk, love love love it, and I figured the coconut milk might take a little getting used to.

Well, it was a complete failure.  The taste isn't so bad. Not too great either, I don't want to get you started down the wrong path, like any path that leads you to the store to buy coconut milk. But the worst, absolute worst part is the viscosity.  It  doesn't feel like milk. But it's too thick to be water. I tried to choke down that half glass.  I kept telling myself it would get better.  I finally gave up when I was almost vomiting.  I figured it just wasn't worth it. And it wasn't....

But on a happier note, we are all feeling much better now. We had a whole weekend where we did things as a family, hung out with friends, cleaned. You know, all the fun stuff! Since we're back on track, you get this awesome blog post, and I get, well....this awesome blog post! One of us is surely a winner.