Friday, April 25, 2014

March 6th Day 65

I just realized I never actually posted this blog! So if you notice we're a little out of order, forgive me ;)

So if yesterday was cakes, today guessed it! Frosting. Or maybe you didn't, either way, this girl made a boat load of frosting today. Ever since I learned how to make frosting in my cake class, I refuse to use the store bought stuff. Just tastes blech compared to homemade. But in the wilton class they have you make your frosting with lard. Lard people. Come, on. I make mine with butter because, well, it's not as nasty when you think about consuming a ridiculous amount of butter and powdered sugar. But powdered sugar and lard? (we'll call it vegetable shortening for the faint of heart) GROSS
I needed tons of frosting to frost all my cakes, cupcakes, etc. Here's a pic of Clara's cake for her real birthday tomorrow. She asked me last minute for a rainbow cake, and I wanted to try some of the elements for the big cake, so I added it to mine. Of course the big cake will have more details, some edging, etc, but this small cake makes me super excited for her party!

He Makes Beautiful Things March 13, 2014

Today I was driving to pick up Clara, and thinking about how winter will never end, when I looked up out the window at this:
I had to stop and take a picture. Because it was gorgeous. Because it made me stop and appreciate the beauty in something I had grown to resent. It made me realize what a gift every day on earth is.
Have you heard the song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor? If not, take a minute to listen here
Even if you've heard it, it's okay if you want to take a minute to listen again. I'll wait here. If you don't follow directions well, then you're wondering what the heck this song is about, but you're too stubborn to click a link just because I asked you.
Basically, it's a song that tells of God's grace. No matter how bad a situation may seem, no matter how bleak life may look, there is hope. Always hope. The main lyrics tell of how God makes beautiful things out of dust, and out of us. That we are constantly being made new.
Sometimes I need that message. Actually, most days I need that message. If I had to guess I'd say most of us do. None of us is perfect, and we are not called to be perfect. But we are called to allow ourselves to be used for God's purposes.
When we look for the beauty in the darkest days, that's where we will hear God's voice. That is where we will take God's hand, and he will take ours. That is when he starts to remake us, a little more in his image each time we reach out our hands.
I don't always understand God's plans, and sometimes I even feel angry or saddened by how life plays out. But in the end, I know He is making me new. Each trial helps to shape me, each tribulation helps me to grow, and when the day comes where I scream that I can't take it anymore, he gives me a beautiful picture, to remind me what this is all for.

The Things We Do For Love March 12, 2014

Clara's party is fast approaching (3 days, eek!) and I spent most of my day crafting. Now, I'm not "crafty," but I am a good direction follower, and a little site called Pinterest makes it very easy to look like you have everything together when you host a party. I have spent hours over the years choosing themes, making decorations, planning food, and prepping for parties. I was never into parties as a kid, but I want my kids to have great memories of their birthdays.
Today I spent about 4 hours straight working on party plans. I cut signs for the games, the food, & place settings, among others. Here's the name tags for the animals pre hole puncher. I'm getting as excited about hosting this party as Clara is about attending it!!

Ladies Night :) March 11, 2014

What do a bunch of moms do when they get a chance to get out of the house for the evening without their little ones? Get wild & crazy!! You guessed it, I'm talking GAME NIGHT. Bring it.
We had games, snacks, & trash talk. Well, less of the third but enough to keep it interesting. The best part was seeing Roberta's sweatshirt. Yep, just like the three colors I have in my closet. And she stole hers from her husband too ;)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Well Visit March 10, 2014

We had Clara's 4 year check up today and she is, not surprisingly, very healthy! She's still growing fast, the doctor told us a few years back that she should grow to about 6 feet tall. Clara brought Rosie along to the doctor in her new fancy duds. You'll be happy to know that Rosie checked out completely well too :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Party Prep :) March 9, 2014

We have the coolest store in town. It's the second store in the area, I think, but the first one was about an hours drive. Now it's 10 minutes from my house. It's a candy store, and they have all kinds of cool & hard to find candies. The reason I love it so much, however, is that half the store is COLOR COORDINATED!!! It makes finding candies for décor to match party themes so easy. I went by today to grab some red & blue candy for Clara's circus party.
Check it out!

We've availed ourselves of the pink & purple section many times!

Friday, April 18, 2014

But I'm NOT Cold (I'm Frozen)!! March 8th, 2014

I'm not sure if you've been reading my blog lately, but if not let me sum up for you. It's winter. It's cold. It's snowy. There is my past few months in a nutshell. So you may be wondering why Clara is wearing shorts and a tee shirt. Sorry guys, but this isn't my doing. I dressed Clara in a weather appropriate outfit this morning. After lunch, she disappeared upstairs and came down in this. Her Elsa birthday tee and a pair of shorts from the too small bin. And you know what? She was so happy. I'm not usually a go with the flow type person, I love order and schedules too much. But sometimes you just have to look into the eyes of your happy little inappropriately dressed preschooler, smile, and say how beautiful she looks.
(Then run upstairs and grab a pair of socks ;) )

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Clara's 4th Birthday March 7th, 2014

My sweet baby girl is 4 today. 4!!! Where have the years gone? Clara is my spunky girl. She loves stories, playing with friends, and imitating her sister's every move.
She has an amazing vocabulary, can be the sweetest, most insightful girl, and/or push every one of your buttons daily.
Current favorites are the Frozen movie & soundtrack, the Watilda book, and playing I Spy GoFish.
She loves meat shaped into animals, greek yogurt, all fruit, and sweets, sweets, sweets. Hates corn, any meat that is called meat or resembles meat (you can hide it in a taco and call it "taco meat," for some reason this is 100% acceptable, and nuts.
She's in Ms. Ruth's class at Eastbank, loves her friends and her teachers, and loves getting dirty on the playground & in the classroom.
Clara is as tall as a bison! Or a bison picture on the growth chart, which is pretty much the same thing.

Ready for work out (Clara play date) & Bible Study

Someone's excited about her new puppy purse :)

Wardrobe Change
You can never have too many birthday outfits!
Cake time!

My beautiful girl :)

Cakes, Cupcakes & More! March 5, 2014

A few years back, I took a cake decorating class so that I could make my girl's cakes for birthdays and parties. My favorite part of cake decorating class was eating cake. It was definitely not my best subject ever ;) However, I have very easy to please kiddos, so I get a lot of joy out of making their birthday cakes. This year, Clara is having a circus party, so I'll be making two circus cakes, one regular and one stacked, and a bunch of cupcakes.
The regular cake will be for her actual birthday, the cupcakes are for childcare at Bible study, and the stacked cake is for her big birthday party.
Today I made all the cakes. And it took allllll day. Cake is great to make ahead. You can wrap it, freeze it, and pull it out when you're ready to frost. As long as you don't freeze it for too long, it tastes just as good as the day you made it.
This was what I looked at most of the day. I'm hoping the cakes turn out half as well as I planned :)

A Personal Meeting With Anesla March 4th

If you've been living under a rock for the past 6 months, you may not have heard of a little Disney movie called Frozen. For the other 99.9% of you, you're probably aware that this movie has been extremely popular, especially in the under 10 set. Which of course includes both my girls. I'm not going to lie, there's been some Frozen fever in our house. I may have allowed it a little more than I normally would have because, come on, have you SEEN the movie? It's super cute!
Olivia really likes Frozen, and that's great. Clara, however, is in that magical stage of childhood where you can make believe you ARE a Disney princess. She has decided that certain hair styles, clothing choices, and singing of certain songs means she is Anna. Or Elsa. Or maybe both (Anesla)
Today she requested Anna braids. It is frustratingly difficult to braid someone's hair when there's only a few inches of it on each side, but she was patient and it turned out pretty well. Especially for me, as we all know I am missing the gene necessary for fixing hair.
Notice the snow boots
Luckily for us winter in Northern Indiana plays just like a scene from Frozen *yay*

Clara being a paragon of right and justice, could not in good conscious leave Elsa out of her wardrobe decisions. No, that's not a MJ nod, it's Elsa, in her Frozen glove (or maybe just a glove from the dress up bin. But it's close....right?)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

You do what?? March 3rd

In the course of a normal getting to know you conversation, the question, "what do you do?" often comes up. Maybe a little less in mom circles, since it is commonly assumed that if you are attending the current play date, library circle, etc that you USED to do something but now you are mom. And we all feel for each other, because "just mom" is the lowest paid and most unappreciated job out there. But it's also the best job you'll never be paid to do. Okay, now that all the clichés are out of the way...

When the topic of work comes up I sometimes just say that I was a nurse, or am a nurse, depending on my mood for the day. I mean, I AM a nurse, but I'm not working as one, so it's complicated. Then there are the days when I tell people that I have a home business. Usually this is met with a slight edging away from the person who assumes I am now going to try to sell them Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, Mary Kay, or multiple other items they don't need. If they are brave enough to stick it out and ask what I do, I explain. It seems complex but it actually very simple.

I sell things for people who can't. That's the main gist. If you want the cliff notes version, stop now. If you want the nitty gritties, read on.

Years ago, I was introduced to chat boards and online talks. We talk about everything, but a good deal of all the chit chat is about clothing. People discuss what clothes they want to buy, what deals are going on, the fit of the clothes, basically everything. When the clothes are purchased people put up fashion shows with their children in their spiffy new outfits. Usually the fashion shows are done over and over in one location in the house. My secret rationale behind this is as moms of little kids, we can only keep one area clean at a time.

Once the clothes were worn, they had to be sold. Many people B/S/T (buy, sell, trade) on the chat boards themselves. Others use eBay, or take their clothes to local consignment shops or sales. The selling of the old clothes would help fund the purchase of the new ones.

I started out innocently enough, selling Olivia's clothes on the boards, locally to friends, and a tiny bit on eBay. EBay intimidated me. I was so worried about missing a flaw or angry buyers, that I mostly steered clear of the whole mess. But more and more I was seeing people post as eBay TAs. I was interested. What was a TA? Was this a business I could utilize?

I asked lots of questions and found out that TAs are trading assistants. They take people's items, prep them (iron, photograph, edit photos, write listings, post listings), deal with questions from buyers, invoice buyers, print postage, ship items, deal with buyers after item receipt, and leave feedback. These TAs were running multiple auctions, and the number of auctions helped draw in more buyers. The more people purchased from them, the more they came back, and this helped drive up their auction totals. The higher their auction totals, the more people wanted to use them as a TA. It was a positive feedback loop. Back then I didn't realize how hard a TA worked for their money, and how much they wanted the auctions to succeed too!

Of course there were the TA horror stories. TAs that received items and never listed them. TAs that had poorly written or photographed auctions. TAs that added pieces of candy to clothing items that previously had none ;) I thought about sending my resale items to a TA, but in the end decided to bite the bullet and list myself. My auctions turned out okay at first, then better and better as I figured out how best to write and photograph auctions, which things were worth putting on eBay and which weren't, and more (can't share all my secrets!)
I liked the money I made from selling on eBay, but I only had so many children's outfits. Once they were gone, they were gone. I was too intimidated to call myself an eBay TA, but I thought about changing the model to fit local sales. At the time, there were two local children's resales held biannually. The resales took items from multiple sellers, organized them, and opened the items to shoppers for one day. The resale took 10% of the profits from all sold items. Here was an avenue where I could sell items that buyers got to physically "check out," and I didn't need to get the eBay nerves.
I started small. I let a few friends know I was going to start taking items from moms who were too busy or not interested in selling their own items. These moms were usually from two camps. The first donated everything to Goodwill. The second had bins and bins and bins full of children's items in their basements. My first season I had 2 or 3 clients. I had a great time prepping for the sale, because I could do it in my free time, ironing while catching up on tv, tagging while listening to Olivia read, whatever needed to be done.
All this time I was also working as a nurse. I was maxed out, but I continued having people request to become clients. I really wanted to be a SAHM, but I was afraid to give up a "real" job for this made up one. Finally I decided I had to give it a try. I quit working outside the home and became a resale TA full time. Over time another sale started, and now I sell for clients at three sales twice a year. My client list has grown, and I have started selling more on eBay, which is an area I really want to grow my business.

One of my many eBay bins

When people really listen to what it is I do, there are questions. The first and most common one is, "where do I sign up?"
The second most common is "is it worth it?" This is usually actually the question "how much money do you make?" Honestly, it's worth it. If my kid is sick, I'm home. If my kid has 9 snow days, I'm home. Doctor, dentist, optometrist appointments? I can take them. I love the flexibility of being able to work this job around my schedule. I decide how many clients I take, and I can decrease depending on the season or my schedule.
Now for the flip side. If you counted up all the hours I work, I would make less than minimum wage. I work HARD to make sure that my client's items are well represented at the sales, each and every one. I have to figure out storage issues, transport issues (one sale I literally drive back and forth all day running to make sure everything makes it in the drop off window. Another sale is 45 minutes away one way. I sit up late at night retagging items when one sale's pickup is Saturday afternoon and the next sale's drop off is Monday morning. I, like every working mom out there, give up time with my family, time I could be working on the home, time to just relax for a minute.
The money I make from TA'ing goes to purchase clothes for my kid's for the next season. It also goes into a special vacation fund only I deposit in. Right now I am saving for our next Disney trip. My goal is to pay for it 100% on my own. In these ways I feel like even though I am not "working," I am contributing to my family.
Now if you come over to my house in March or July, and see my front room full of boxes, you'll know why. Come on in!! Just make sure your kids don't play with anything with a tag on it ;)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Perfect Angels :) March 2nd

I have to brag on my kids a bit. This winter has been beyond bad weather wise. It's the kind of weather that makes you want to just curl up inside with a book by the fireplace. We really have to chose what's important to us, and the girls chose church. There was an announcement on the church's Facebook page that those children who had perfect attendance in Faith works for February would be recognized Sunday. There were quite a few younger kids that were recognized, but Olivia was the ONLY elementary aged kid in second service who made it all four weeks. Makes me proud. Heck, even I missed a week when I went to Florida.

Friday, April 4, 2014

March 1st

First of all....Happy Birthday Seeter!!! So lucky to have siblings I love more than anything. They are good people.
So obviously I am feeling better today, which is good because I had a very busy day planned, Olivia had a Girl Scout cookie booth, the new spring release of Matilda Jane was today, and we had a couple's dinner at a restaurant I'd never tried.
Olivia had a great time at the cookie booth! It's amazing how far all the girl's have come. The first year they wouldn't even talk to the people coming out of the store. Now they're all little salesmen :)
After the cookie booth, we went and looked at some pretty Matilda Jane. I actually got a dress for myself. I also bought a butterfly print top for Clara since the butterflies remind me of my mom. The sleeves are a little cray-cray but we'll forgive them that.

(Thanks to MJC Lookbooks for the photo)

After our shopping fun the girls and I headed home, so I could get ready for dinner. We don't go out a ton, especially this frigid winter, so I was excited to go. We went to the Mark by Notre Dame. The dinner was good, but I was mostly excited about dessert. I LOVE dessert. If you don't know that about me then you are not a true friend. There, I said it. They had an amazing chocolate cake there. Not quite as good as Aladdin's, but pretty fine by my standards. It was a fun, busy, but relaxing Saturday. Just the way I like them!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I knew it was coming... Feb 28th

Writing this from Saturday the 1st, since I was incapacitated last night. I knew the post travel and stress let down migraine would come. I hoped it wouldn't. I had made it through so many days past the trip, but my body is a fine tuned machine and if I put it under a certain stress threshold it responds the same way every time. The good news is the preventables seem to be helping and the migraines are less intense, and shorter. Still have the wonderful hangover though. So yeah, fun. But not as bad as it could have been. And thank goodness it happened at home, and not in Florida traveling.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

February 27th Triple Trouble

Clara goes to preschool three times a week. It's the same place Olivia went and we LOVE it. There are not enough capital letters in the world to express what a special place this is. It's a drive, and it's not cheap, but it is so worth it.
In the school the kids are broken up into classes by age. There are usually multiple classes in each age group until you get to the 4's, which are all together, and then the school age kids are all in one group too.
So when Clara moved up to the three year old class, I of course wanted her to have the same amazing teacher Olivia did, Ms Lisa. And she got her. She got moved into the room with the other Clara, in the school. I was never quiet sure why they put them together instead of one Clara to a room, but they do love each other, so it works out.
A new girl started at the school, and her name is Claire. And guess what room she was put in? Yep, Ms. Lisa's! Since then they have all moved up to Ms Ruth's room, but they were always a threesome, Clara, Clara, and Claire :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

February 26

Ahhhhh...starting to get back in the swing of things! Worked on eBay and the house. Olivia had PVU today (she took weaving this time) and after PVU we picked up Clara and high tailed it home. Wednesdays are already crazy anyways due to Awana :) I was too mellow today to take a pic, so all you get is this tiny blog!