Monday, January 27, 2014

365 Day 27

Today is a tough day. I scheduled lots of things so that I would stay busy and not think about it, but mother nature came in and threw my schedule out the window. No school for Olivia, no workout class or dance class today. I did bundle everyone up and head to the grocery. Not the smartest thing in the world but I had to do something to get through the pain. 

All I wanted to do was sit home and cry. Maybe curl up in my bed. But those little faces were watching me all day, and I stayed strong for them. Maybe mother nature knew what I needed after all. I know my mom is watching us all thinking that this is barely a storm! Remember she grew up in North Dakota, and winters there are very long, cold, and snowy. It makes Granger look balmy by comparison. 

Another snow day tomorrow, another chance to spend loving my kids. I hope when they grow up they tell their kids all about what a great time they had on their snow days. I hope when they grow up they love me as much as I love them. I hope they live in houses down the street and let me watch their babies while they pursue their dreams, whether it's working as a scientist or taking a trip to the mall alone, and getting a cookie from the cookie place and eating it all!  As long as my babies are happy, I will be too. I never knew how much a mother loved until I became a mother. And I never knew how painful loss could be until I lost mine. For those of you without a mother, I offer you a hug, a hand to hold, a knowing look. 

Adding two photos of my babies just because....

The Frozen movie has made braids a must in our house lately. Everyone wants to be Elsa or Anna. Of course they didn't get Ken Paves as their mom so this is the best I can do. Clara has her pink snow boots peeking out of her pants. Love her!!

And my big girl. She doesn't let me pick her clothes anymore. She is growing up and I don't like it! Well, I do, but I want to keep her young and safe forever.

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