Friday, June 20, 2014

Spring? May 15th, 2014

I had a dilemma today. The weather has turned decidedly unspringy, with the high today being 50 and rainy. I was attending an event where I wanted to look nice, and I couldn't accomplish that with my 7 articles of clothing without being chilly. Not chilly, cold. I picked poorly. At the time it seemed so right.

I knew what I had to do. I wore a blanket over my head to keep the rain off, and I figured it could double as a poncho in a pinch. Luckily, it was nice and toasty in the room, so no blanket needed.

We also made our own little nests today. You could chose the beads that represented your children or just do what you liked. I chose the purple for my proper princess Olivia. She would wear a dress everyday if it was up to her. The green striped one is for my wild child Clara, who always surprises and (mostly) delights.

Very pretty & yummy place setting!

My necklace on my beat up planner. This is real life people!

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