Today was a MOPS day. MOPS stands for Mother's of Preschoolers, and our group meets twice a month. We have a speaker, a craft, or both. We have a table of women who can be real together, support each other, and eat amazing food together too. Okay, the food is a big draw, but for obvious reasons I was NOT looking forward to the food today. I had a sensible 7 breakfast, and packed nuts and a clementine in case I just had to eat, but I knew it was going to take willpower to stay away from the food table. My main strategy was avoidance, so I walked in refusing to make eye contact with said table. I found my group's table, pulled out my chair, and saw this.....
Really? Really? These are not just any jellybeans but Starburst jellybeans. Only the best jellybeans on the planet. And it's not up for discussion. Since this is my blog I make the rules, and the rules are, love these jellybeans or else! I pushed mine reluctantly over to my neighbor. She took them and said she didn't like jellybeans, but her kids would love them. EXCUZE MEH??? It took everything within me not to let the tears fall. They might have landed on a jelly bean and ruined it.
After MOPS I came home and tried naan for the first time. It was pretty good. I am making a tour of breads this month and naan is definitely on the keep list. Yum, yum, yum!!
This afternoon I tried to make my own peanut butter. Using only peanuts. I chose this bag because the peanut looks so happy!
A friend told me to just process it in the food processer, and voila, peanut butter.
Um....not so much. I must be peanut butter impaired, because all I got was peanut flakes. Oh, and those happy little p-nuts are happy because they know you're going to choke as you eat them. Because they are Gross. Raw peanuts doesn't mean unsalted, which was the delusion I was living under. It means really icky peanuts. I swear they ran these peanuts down the icksembly line in the peanut factory and then made a big joke out of it by putting the smiling peanut on the bag. Ridiculous!
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