Saturday, May 31, 2014

May Day May 1, 2014

It's the first of May. Although if you were outside today you would probably guess closer to late October. It was dark, rainy, and cold. But it's May darn it, May!!! I have officially retired my coats for the season. So that IS me you see shivering out there in the cold ;)

One thing cold weather is great for is running!! I am ridiculously, amazingly, overwhelmingly proud to have my daughter running along with me. We finished week one of C25K and then there was a "foot" injury. I wasn't sure if this was a real or made up affliction, and I thought our running days were over. 

But then Olivia came to me a few days later and told me she thought her socks were the problem, and she had a better pair. So with new socks and a new attitude we set off again on our running adventure. Today we finished week 2. Here's Olivia in my giant sweatshirt. Six runs in the book and hopefully a LOT more to come.

Oh, and do you see that cute gap in her mouth!! Still need to get some more pics of her with her two front teeth out.

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