Saturday, May 24, 2014

Doctor Dash April 9th, 2014

I feel like we're running a race. A race to see what family can visit the doctor the most in one year. Today was Olivia's turn at the allergist. Confirmed, Olivia has allergies. I know, you're all shocked, right? We all knew that we were fighting an uphill battle with Mike's genes. His overcame mine this once. 
This allergy diagnosis is actually old news, because I was told she had them when she was 2. Aaaannnddd like a good mom I ignored the news. It might shock you, since I am a nurse, but I am anti medication. Well, not ALL medication. I understand when it's needed, it's needed. If I get a migraine, yes, I'm taking my prescription. If I have a regular headache, you pretty much have to force me to take anything for it. There was some medication overuse viewed in my past, and it makes me feel kind of twitchy when someone talks about needing to take it. Especially giving it to kids.
The other reason this wasn't a shock was that Olivia sounds horrible. Yes, allergy season officially gets into gear in another 3-4 weeks, but she already sounds awful. I knew this would be the season I caved and treated her. I can't stand her being miserable all spring, and summer, oh, and fall.
Since she did so good at the allergist I took her to the thrift shop, because I'm a cool mom like that (Macklemore has nothing on me!) to find a reward. She found nothing but look what I found.
 I know you're less than excited, but this plate matches a set my Grandparents had in Arizona. A set they later gave to my parents. A set that I was given half of when I moved out. Yes, half. I mean they're stoneware, they don't just give them away! Even being over 30 years old, this plate cost my $2.50. But it was so worth it :) Now tomorrow we're heading to Goodwill to try to find Olivia's reward. Only the best for my baby!

Ohhh!!! And I finally mastered the whole nut butter thing. Turns out you have to continue processing past the flake stage. I made almond butter and it is TDF. 

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