At this point I know you just want me to GET to the point. It's rashes. Both my girls and myself have been suffering from rashes. Each is different, and each in it's own place. Mine is just my hands, and it has to do with a medication I'm taking. I sleep at night with gloves on and aquaphor slathered on my digits.
Olivia's rash is on her face. After multiple trips, creams and a final derm consult, it has been identified as a "nonidentified" rash, that goes away on it's own. I guess no one wanted their name to be associated with a boring rash that heals itself, so it goes by "He who will not be named." We have cream to hasten it's departure, but the darn thing is on my poor girl's FACE. It needs to be gone, pronto!
Clara is perhaps the most interesting of us all. Her rash started on her legs, became a huge, red, welt on her leg, spread throughout her lower body, and then she got an eczema like rash from her forehead to her toes. Yes, she feels like sandpaper, and she is so itchy, poor thing. Again, after many doctor visits we got a derm consult. Clara's rash has a name, but I don't know what it is. Something long and hard to pronounce. Apparently it's something that shows up after a virus. But not that other rash that shows up after a virus, which she's had twice even though you are supposedly not able to get it more than once. Ugh!! She gets a lovely cream and HTT (head to toe for all you non ANTM fans) aquaphor twice a day. Lovely. It's like slathering yourself in Vaseline and then putting clothes on.
Here's a photo of Clara at the derm.
And here's a picture of her by a giant, taller than Clara, pile of snow. Those poor chilly Barbies are Anna and Elsa (of course).
Luckily our rashes didn't keep us from dance class. Here's a quick snap I got of Olivia, when their teacher told them to use the scarves for whatever they want. I guess my girl wants to get married. In another 20 years I support that!
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