Sunday, February 9, 2014

365 Day 39

Today was just one of those great days. I wish I had taken some photos to share, but I was having such a nice time spending time WITH people and not my instgram account, that I didn't get a one until the 10 o'clock news.

Every momma needs some time off, to recharge and come back with her patience and sanity restored. I was so blessed to do that this morning, shopping with friends around town. We had originally planned a trip to the outlet malls, but it was too cold so we nixed it. Being my no spend month, I was just along for the ride anyways, so local was fine by me. I will admit I got two boxes of egg rolls and spent .36. I had to use some coupons at Target ;)

It was nice having girl talk and walking through the mall leisurely, with no kids that needed to potty or were "tired!!!" I will admit I did miss them when we passed the cookie place. They always share a bite with mom and those darn cookies are delish.

After all this lovely mom time, I went out with Mike to dinner. I guess since it's my no spend month he can still spend? It's like Lent, everyone makes their own choices. We went to dinner at my favorite restaurant, and it was the best ever. It's hard to believe we're celebrating our 15th Valentine's Day. But Mike did the math and you can trust him, that's what I do ;)

Driving home the snow was so cold it was sparkling like diamonds on the roadside. It was gorgeous. Mike and I watched
a movie, and then the news. Here's the photo I took:

I guess at this point all the snow, all the cold, all the monotony of winter just doesn't phase me anymore. This winter has helped me be a more flexible, roll with the punches kind of gal. I am one who likes everything planned, and I'm learning there's beauty in the unplanned. There's beauty in going along for the ride. There's beauty to be seen if you truly open your ears and your heart to the people around you.

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