Wednesday, January 8, 2014

365 Day 7

Welp, you guessed it, another fun filled SNOW DAY!! I have to write it in all caps to remind myself how happy I am about it. All I can say is that school better start soon because this momma is running out of fun, creative activities to keep my kids busy and not tearing each other's hair out. 

So, St Joseph county was under a travel ban again until noon, which meant I surely was not going to go anywhere, even after noon. People around here drive like crazy, and it takes them a while to recalibrate to driving on giant sheets of ice. They just don't stress that section enough in drivers ed. Mike was home in the morning because of the no travel thing, so I asked him to watch the girls for me until 10:30, so I could work on some home business stuff. 

At 10:30 we started out with a bang, by throwing boiling water out into this. Yes, I know some of you live in even colder climes, and you think I'm a big sissy right now, but SERIOUSLY? Look how high the snow comes up, it almost hits the swings. And any number below zero is a no no in my book. Back to our boiling water, if you've never done this, you should, it's very rewarding. Just use a two handled pot so the water goes as far away from you as possible. 

Next we read some books, ate lunch, and had quiet time. Which consists of my girls alone in their rooms for an hour playing while I work on the ol' eBay business. Yes, I know I'm mentioning it a lot, but at this point I  am starting to panic. I have 3 days a week set to complete my business, and a tight, tight schedule. But I'll get there, right.....?

The highlight of this time is the call from the airline telling me Mike's flight was canceled. Sweet Jesus in Heaven I was super grateful. Instead of him being gone for three days he's right here with us. I hate when he travels, and in this weather I could see him stranded on the East coast ne'er to return until the spring thaws. 

After quiet time, we did patterns and mosaics. Well the kids did, if you read above you know what I was doing. Here's a photo of one Olivia made, I love this kid. About this time the phone rings, with PHM telling us there would be no school....again....tomorrow. Even Olivia was getting fed up at this point. She loves me, but she misses her friends.

There was nothing to do but make us all feel better with some stove popped popcorn (with m&m's, thank you Kirk for that little trick) and watch a SheRa marathon. Hey, you do what you gotta do.

Here's hoping Clara's preschool is open tomorrow!

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