Thursday, January 16, 2014

365 Day 14

I woke up today to a miraculous sight. The sun was shining! It was so lovely outside, it felt like spring! Well, midwest spring, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I was so excited to do a run on the nice, clear, streets. I even argued with myself about the need for gloves. 16 degrees, do I need them? Would my hands get hot? In the end better sense prevailed, and I wore them. It was a speed interval day, and now that the glove question was settled I was ready. I got out there and found this:

That's what we here in the snow belt like to call black ice. For those readers who hail from warmer climes, first, I hate you this time of year, and second, black ice is a nice clear patch of ice on pavement. You can't see it, it just looks like another patch of road. Hence BLACK-ICE. This lovely layer wasn't everywhere, so I couldn't wear my run cleats. It was only in the shady areas, or the places where the snow and ice had been thick. I quickly abandoned my idea of a speed workout and instead focused on staying upright. For those who know me well, this is a challenge in itself, I am my mother's daughter in this area of life. 

Don't worry about me too long though. Tomorrow it's supposed to back to snow, so I'll either be on the treadmill or running in my cleats. One day of January spring is all we get.

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