Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One busy momma

There’s a reason I chose the name I did for my blog. Busy momma pretty much sums it up nicely! Which is why I have neglected writing a blog post recently. Not that I didn’t want to, just that I have not had a free second for writing. Oh yes, I’ve had some free time. But usually by the time I get it I’ve been through a 14 hour day with my children, including feeding, clothing, play time and listening to One Short Day 20 times. Did I say before I was happy that was Olivia’s dance song? That must have been in the good old days before Clara picked it up as her favorite song. Which means she screams “CITY” at the top of her lungs until I play it in the car. And play it in the car. And play it in the car.

On Saturday we had the audacity to take daddy’s car to gymnastics. No “city” as the cd was in my car. Clara alternately screamed city and sobbed her little heart out, while two grown adults (one who is tone deaf) tried to recreate the song by singing the 10 words we know. Yes, I know I should have it memorized, as I’ve heard it ad naseum for about a month, but I claim post traumatic stress for making me block it from my mind as much as possible.
Anyways, I digress. But suffice it to say I have not been in the correct mind frame for coherent writing for quite a while. So besides my children, what has been keeping me busy? Well, as a mom, I know I hardly need any other reasons, but I have them, oh do I have them! See I have this gag reflex over the word no, so if something comes along that looks semi interesting, I jump on it, and therefore I have the overcommitted syndrome.

Here is my list of craziness, in no particular order:


1.      My kids. Yes, they’ve been mentioned, but for their ginormous time commitment they deserve another mention. Just sayin’

2.      Ebay. No, I do not have a shopping problem. Just a small internet business reselling my kids outgrown items. August happens to be the busy season for fall and winter clothes. Who knew, right? Washing, ironing, pictures, editing, weighing, descriptions, listings, answering questions, invoicing, shipping, this all adds up to a lot of time. Goodwill sounded good by the end of the season.

3.      The consignment season. This started right after the ebay season. Although technically for me it started long before. I had lots of time spent on coordinating the Twice is Nice Sale advertising with my awesome subcommittee friends. Then I had to prep all my items to sell, as well as my client’s items. Busy but oh so fun.

4.      MOPS. For those not in the “know,” this is not some cult of women who love to clean. Nope, it actually stands for mothers of preschoolers, and it’s a group for any moms who have a kids not in school yet. We moved our MOPS group to a new site this year, and we had to deal with all the logistical challenges that came along with the move, as well as getting a brand new year going. Major shout outs to our awesome steering committee.

5.      Kindergarten. Man, school stinks! (but don’t tell my daughter I said that!) Getting Olivia to school EVERY day, homework, fundraising (b-l-a-h) and kindergarten drama add up to a whole lot of NO FUN. Can we please go back to preschool? On the up side, Olivia is reading about 10 new words on her own, and she learned all the lyrics to “trick or treat, smell my feet…..” in one session on the bus.

6.      Work. Yep, it’s only 2 days. But I spend the day before getting ready, and the day after recovering. Great job, but it’s go, go, go. Of course, if it wasn’t I’d be bored, and I’d probably add a 7 to my list!

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