Sunday, October 9, 2011

Irish Green Fail!

There's not much I can say about Friday, except to tell you it involved a very bad decision on my part (cutting Clara's nap short), a trip to the Notre Dame campus, and a screaming baby. Although I had big plans for our super lovely day, we did not get to go to the bookstore, the ice cream shop, the Irish Green, or the band practice. We did make it to the tunnel, and saw the cheerleaders outside of the bookstore. This is definitely one of those days I have to remind myself that the days are long, but the years are short. The "good" pictures showed up on facebook, but here's the one's that are more representational of our day.
 Clara wants down
 She really wants down
 At least the usher behind us is photogenic

She's doing that archy back thing that babies do when they do not want to be buckled into their car seat 
 We've lost Olivia
 Getting better
Now where did Olivia go again?
 Finally. Now we're in a great mood, let's get some daddy pics
 Okay, UNCLE!!! Daddy pics were a bad idea
 A horrible idea!

Mike looks like he's about to beat someone 

 And this is about as good as it gets


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha!
    This is actually the first time I ever went down the tunnel and on to the field, even after spending 5+ years at school there. So, even with some attitude, it was very cool to do that with the family.
    For the record, no one got beaten, threatened with beating, etc. This is like one of those bad paparazzi shots that makes the tabloid covers..."Mike and Clara - doomed relationship?"

  2. If you had given them extra desserts, they probably would have been happier. I've elected myself their guardian ad litem. I will be in charge of the more important life decisions from now on.

  3. I was trying to get them to the ice cream shop when the biggest meltdown happened. Alas, had you been there, I would have already had them sugared up on caramel corn and brownies, or any other goodies you had in your purse or were willing to steal from unsuspecting bystanders. Yes, I do believe you'd be willing to do that for my kids.
