What what all my Valentine's Day People!!! Yes, I admit it, I love Valentine's day. I am not one of those people that complain it's a Hallmark holiday, yada, yada, yada. In fact, I actually like a chance to remind my family how much I love them. Oh yes, and I like getting gifts. I usually get some pretty great ones too, since the Valentine's Day of 2001 debacle. You know, the one where I said I didn't need anything for Valentine's day, so I got nothing, and proceeded to be hurt for about 2 weeks. Please remember I was only 20 at the time, but let's just say that one years suffering has reaped numerous years rewards.
This year was all about homemade Valentines. Oh yes, and girlscout cookies. You remember the ones that tripped me up around Feb 1? Olivia and I spent the weekend working on crafts and cards. Today I set our table up and we had an awesome homemade Valentine's dinner. No fighting crowds and waiting forever for badly cooked food. Just the four of us, some great steak, rice pilaf, and salads.
I included some before and after pics of the table. It may be gaudy, but 4 year olds love gaudy darn it!
I also included some pics of the coupon book I made for Olivia. This idea has been done so much in the past few years, but not by me and not to my girlie. I tried to think of things O always asks me to do with her, and made the coupons for those things. I also made Mike a coupon book, but picking up his toys was definitely not in there.
I tried to be crafty and take an old bottle, peel the label, fill it partly with m&ms and put my Valentine card in there. It mostly worked, however the bottle didn't fully dry after I washed it, so the m&ms got a little "melty" Mike said he liked the way they looked better that way, but I'm pretty sure he was just being nice to me for Valentine's day.
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