Wow, what a week. Let me just say that I love, love, love my husband. So much so that I never want him to leave on travel again. As you can probably guess, he went out of town this week. All I had to do was care for 2 small children for three days. We didn't have to go anywhere or do anything, except for Wednesday when I was supposed to work. And this one tiny stretch of 3 days
Normally when Mike travels we have some fun. We eat out every night, and I let Olivia pick where we go. She always picks places Mike hates but I secretly love, like CiCi's Pizza or Chick Fil A. Due to my No Spend Challenge, we did not eat out this time. We had frozen food and chicken soup, and it was not nearly as fun! I'm glad to say that Mike does not have to travel again until April.
Another thing that complicated our week was the health of the girls. Clara was a little under the weather last week. She got one of those nasty colds that just hang around and make it impossible for little ones to sleep. Unless of course they are being held/cuddled in just the right configuration. Going into Monday I was already pretty sleep deprived, and then Monday night, at about 3am, Olivia comes in complaining of a tummy ache. I get her back to sleep, and Clara wakes up for a 2 hour marathon of crying and being held.
Needless to say, we stayed home and in our jammies Tuesday. Wednesday Olivia still wasn't better, so off to the doctor. What I thought would be a quick appointment turned into a 2 hour marathon. Have you ever tried to get a 4 year old to pee in a cup? We were sent for xrays, tests, etc, and....nothing. Just a bug. Later I started thinking Olivia was really feeling better but was faking since she saw she got out of school on Tuesday. Suspicion confirmed Thursday morning when she was sick but magically got well when it was time to break out the marshmellow cereal. No flames, we don't do marshmellow cereal on a regular, or even semiregular basis, but it was one of those weeks.
Finally Mike returned home and there was much rejoicing (for you MP lovers, yea....). He did make it home in time for me to attend an awesome mom's night out. I headed to Suzi's for a chocolate tasting party. I had a great time, we ate chocolate (amazing!), played games, and drank licour from chocolate cups. Ahhhh....bliss.
I came home from my night out excited to see how my ebay auctions ended. I was pretty happy with the final results, the work I put in turned out to be worth it, so I'm going to try it again with our fall/winter clothes come July. (Yes, I realize that sounds incredibly weird!). I shipped out a bunch of clothes on Friday, and a few more this morning. The picture is of a few stragglers since I forgot to snap a pic of the big pile.
It was a long week, but we made it through. Both girls are feeling much better, and I'm excited to start my Saturday fun!
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