Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Personal Meeting With Anesla March 4th

If you've been living under a rock for the past 6 months, you may not have heard of a little Disney movie called Frozen. For the other 99.9% of you, you're probably aware that this movie has been extremely popular, especially in the under 10 set. Which of course includes both my girls. I'm not going to lie, there's been some Frozen fever in our house. I may have allowed it a little more than I normally would have because, come on, have you SEEN the movie? It's super cute!
Olivia really likes Frozen, and that's great. Clara, however, is in that magical stage of childhood where you can make believe you ARE a Disney princess. She has decided that certain hair styles, clothing choices, and singing of certain songs means she is Anna. Or Elsa. Or maybe both (Anesla)
Today she requested Anna braids. It is frustratingly difficult to braid someone's hair when there's only a few inches of it on each side, but she was patient and it turned out pretty well. Especially for me, as we all know I am missing the gene necessary for fixing hair.
Notice the snow boots
Luckily for us winter in Northern Indiana plays just like a scene from Frozen *yay*

Clara being a paragon of right and justice, could not in good conscious leave Elsa out of her wardrobe decisions. No, that's not a MJ nod, it's Elsa, in her Frozen glove (or maybe just a glove from the dress up bin. But it's close....right?)

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