Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where did January go?

Wow! I can't believe tomorrow's the last day of January. Really very much looking forward to it since my AT&T cable installer is coming. What-what!!! Yes, long story, but comcast is definitely on my poo-poo list. So goodbye Comcast, and comcast email, and phone, and well, everything. If I'm not online tommorrow then you will know something has gone terribly wrong in the install process and I'm sitting in Candace's basement watching tv, since yes, I'd be in withdrawals.

We had a crazy busy weekend. Lots of fun stuff went on. We went to a trivia night last night at Ginny's daughter's school. They had onsite babysitters, so I brought the girls. I figured Clara would last all of 20 minutes, since she's well, Clara, so I didn't bring a bottle or anything. Who needs a bottle when she'll be cruising through the mom buffet? Well, bad mommy. Those were some awesome girlscouts. Clara stayed in there the entire time. Wow! It was nice to have some free fun time with friends for a change. This is getting to be a pattern that I like.

Today I went with the band to a Presbyterian church in Niles to lead service. Super fun. It was like old times, except if old times had been better and more then 5 people had come to a service. I really enjoyed being in church for the first time in a long time.

After church, I decided to punish myself for my lax exercise practices. I'm 3 workouts behind on my EA Sports "game." One was due to my going to Strollerfit to work out with real people on Friday. See, Niki doesn't accept your excuse, that "I already worked out today." If she can't see you sweat and cry, she doesn't believe you picked your butt off the couch. Since I'm OCD I can't stand to have a video game mad at me, so I did the only sane and rational thing possible. I worked out twice. Yes, over 2 hours of workouts, and my body is sore! Good news, I'm only one workout behind now, laugh!

Stay tuned tomorrow for my no spend February challenge!

1 comment:

  1. Evans,

    I apologize for any troubles you have had with your Comcast services. We would like to help. Feel free to send us an email with a description of any issues. Please include your account phone number and a good contact number. We will work to resolve any matters as quickly as possible. Have a good day!

    Best regards,
    Mike Padgeon
    National Customer Operations
