A picture of the kiddo since everyone knows they're the ones you really want to see!

I’ve missed a couple of days of blogging, and I blame only one person, my new personal trainer Niki. After a long, hard day with the girls, I have dinner, throw a load of laundry in the machine, and head down to the computer to do a little web surfing and blog writing. Each night, on my way to the office, I hear Niki’s voice calling me to come do a workout. So of course, I change my clothes, find a water bottle and my equipment, and put in a solid workout. Then I need to shower and change for bed, and by then I am too exhausted to come back to the basement and finish my “me” time.
So how am I so lucky that I now can afford a live in personal trainer? Well, I didn’t win the lottery. Actually, “Niki” is my personal trainer from my new EA Sports game for playstation. A few days after Christmas, I saw this game for sale on Amazon. Since my workouts lately have been pretty much sidelined by a daughter who wants to nap at 10am (right smack dab in the middle of my favorite workout class) and about 2 feet of snow (who really wants to trek out in that?) I decided to spend the money and try it out. And OMG people, I am so glad I did! Let me tell you, this “game” is so much fun. I’m doing the 9 week training program and except for one frustrating workout where I had my arm sensors mixed up, I am love, love, loving it. The best parts? 1. You get an arm band that monitors your heart rate at all times, so you get to see exactly how many calories you burn and 2. You compete against yourself and other computer game people in activities, and you all know how I love to compete. But since I have let you down in the blogging department for my own personal fitness gain, I decided to take one for the team and take one night off to power blog and catch you up for the week :)
So I pretty much have holed up in my house (see above) to stay warm and stay out of the snow. Yes, there are the forced forays to the grocery store just so my family doesn’t starve, but even those are few and far between. So this week was very exciting as I made an exception to my hermit winter hibernation and went to the mall 3-days-in-a-row!!! Yes, I am just that crazy. This week was Gymbucks redemption, and along with gymbucks I had something I’ve never had, crazy 8 crazy cash. Crazy cash is like a gymbuck in theory, except totally different as you spend it at Crazy 8 ;)
Gymbuck and crazy cash redemption was said to start Thursday. However, as a Gymboree addict and a person with a lot of time on my hands to stalk Gymbo, I knew that the redemption would start a day early for rewards members, which meant I had to get there a day before that to put all my awesome stuff on hold. See, as much as I love Gymboree, there are very few times where I feel comfortable paying full price for their clothes, I like to stalk the sale items instead.
I headed to the mall Tuesday with a print out and a calculator. I got lots of great deals, and even broke my rules and bought a full price dress for Clara for this summer, since it was so adorable, and I felt like it would sell out before markdowns. I thought I would also head to Crazy 8 and do those holds, but, SURPRISE, Crazy 8 has no early redemption period, so I was forced to return the next day for those holds.
I got to Crazy 8 right when it opened, and I was the only person in the whole store. Whoa, that is so not Gymbo. I didn’t know what to do with myself. The sales lady was totally awesome and helped me find my outfits to put on hold. I then headed to Gymbo and picked up my Tues holds (are you still following this incredibly intriguing drama? Then you are a true friend!). I came back to the mall Thursday night with Erin and picked up my final bags from Crazy 8. All told I got 15 complete outfits for the girls and a few completer pieces for other outfits I had bought previously. And the fun I had? Priceless…
Date Night!!!
Yes, 3 exclamation points. I have not had a date night in a long time. Mostly since I don’t want to inflict my youngest daughter’s sleeping habits on anyone who isn’t related by blood. But we were invited out by friends and I bit the bullet. I had to make about 10 phone calls, but I found a sitter who was available and willing to sit, and who I felt like I could trust. Clara was a wreck before we left; she was cranky, tired, and crying. Of course, guilty mom syndrome kicks in. I told Mike maybe we should just stay home, but since he loves me and knows I needed that time out with him, he told me we were leaving. We didn’t get out of the house until 45 minutes after we were planning, but Mike got Clara to sleep and in her crib by then so I felt better. Olivia was having a grand old time, she told me I could leave and she was fine without me. Gone are the days when Olivia throws a fit when I leave her with a sitter, now she’s glad to see me go!
Long story short, we had a great, awesome, amazing night out. The best part is knowing I can leave Clara, and she won’t self destruct while I’m gone. Now to break my 2 nights out in 10 months record :)
I’ve been spending most of the weekend mulling a job offer. It pretty much came out of the blue, and it’s an awesome offer, but I am so torn. I love working, but I love being home with my girls too. I would still have days off, but less, and I don’t know if I’m willing to commit to that at this point in time. The flip side of the coin is it’s an offer for a place I’ve worked before. I loved the job, I loved my boss, and I felt like I learned new things every day. I wouldn’t have to spend my weekends grading papers, and the pay has been improved since I held the position, so I would make a very nice wage, and I wouldn’t have to worry about the job being gone in a few months like I do every semester with teaching. What to do, what to do? I even made a chart with pluses and minuses on each side. Yes, I am so 1990’s! If this job was offered to me in a year, 2 years, 3 years???? Can I pass it up knowing it probably will not be available again? Please pray for me to make the right decision for our family.