Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer time part deux


Stovetop pocorn! Picked this up at a garage sale too for just $3. I love this time of year. I store up my great deals like a squirrel and then get them out a little at a time. Still have to pull out the full vintage mini china tea set I got. We'll have to have full tea on a Olivia day!
 Olivia loved turning the handle and "cooking" the popcorn
 Clara loved to taste it. She was our official taste tester, which is my sous chef's job until they can handle themselves in the kitchen :)

Don't be fooled, this face has nothing to do with the popcorn. Yes, this angry face has to do with the fact that she has, (oh no!) messy hands! She is truly Mike's kid.


I've been working on these busy bags for our trip, I mentioned them in the last post. My favorite are the magnetic fish. I might have to stop saying I'm not crafty. I think I may be a 1 on the craft-o meter now


Olivia helped me pack for our Tucson trip. Yes, that's her in the bag. That girl is full of smiles and surprises. I  love her more everyday, which is amazing, since I didn't know that was possible until I had kids.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer Time...

Can you finish that song? Anyone who sings,  "and the living is easy," obviously does not have young children. Just sayin'

Oh yes, I should say hi. Remember me? I'm that imperfect mom who loves to write about her life, her kids, and  whatever other thought is running through my head at the time. Yes, it's been a while. I've been busy, and then we drifted apart. I thought about you from time to time, but it seemed to awkward to call, so I just didn't. Now and then I see the blogger url and think about all the great times we had together ;)

I decided to make my triumphant return to the blogoshere this summer, and I'm challenging myself to take a photo every day. I don't need to blog about each photo, and I don't have to post the photo the day I take it, but I will have photographic evidence of our amazing (and not so amazing) summer. So here goes!

Our first day of summer vacation was spent having tons of fun. Okay, maybe TONS is a slight exaggeration, since after working out, we had to spend the day with the basement crack fixer guy. Yep, technical term, and exactly what it says on his name tag. We've had this crack since we moved it, but lately it decided to leak. Way to go crack! At least it was during the "off" season so we got someone out here pretty quickly. After the crack was fixed and we breathed in the toxic fumes for a few hours we headed out for Olivia's last day of swim lessons. Here's some photos of her jumping off the diving board.

Not so much on the form, but fearless. That's my girl!

Second day of vacation was a much needed mommy/Olivia day. These days herald back to when Olivia was 3 and going to preschool, and any non preschool day she titled, mommy/Olivia days. Since Clara's been born we haven't had one, but this summer Clara's going to preschool two days a week and I'm spending that time with her.

We spent the day doing things we love, garage sale shopping and the zoo. Here's a photo of Olivia before we headed out.

Friday dawned bright and warm, and another day with just the two of us. We hit some more garage sales, where I found the holy grail, Big Boggle. Well, Boggle Deluxe to be more accurate. Been looking for this game for years, and saw it sitting there all pretty in it's blue box marked $2. Played it cool and picked it up for $1. Woot-woot! Now to teach Olivia to play, since Mike doesn't really care for the way I gloat when I win, and I always win ;)

Olivia even picked up a few things from the garage sales. Here's a picture with her finds.

Saturday we woke up to Olivia not feeling well. We missed our last session of gymnastics and Olivia and Clara stayed with Mike while I hit the grocery store. Picked up materials for some crafts and a birthday cake for Mike. Yes, I know, I should have baked it, but leaving next week and I so do not have the time.

We celebrated Mike's birthday together and I worked on my felt fish craft. I'll post a photo with the blog for Sunday. Olivia rallied and ate some cake, and we had a quiet evening together.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here we are in 2012! I don't actually believe in resolutions, but if I did they would go something like this:

1. Spend more quality time with my kids. 

It gets too easy to fall in to the same old routines when playing with the kids. We read A LOT of books. And although literacy is always good, I know there's more to life out there than "Pat the Puppy" Today I went on a "car ride" with Olivia. She made a steering wheel out of two rainbows she drew, cut out, and taped together. She assured me she could drive since she's 13. Gotta love that girl. She was also very generous with the bathroom breaks. I think we got 5 within 20 minutes. Then we pulled into lunch at daddy's cafe. Yep, fabulous. And I would have missed it all if I hadn't been open to something completely different.

Speaking of different, here's a few photos of the girls with their new "spaceship" Olivia colored, Clara scribbled, and a good time was had by all.

2. Meet new people

We all know the song "make new friends, and keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold." And if you don't know it, you had a very deprived childhood, and you should have had a lot more singing in your home. One of the things that keeps me energized is meeting new people. I love love love it. Did I mention I love it? I'm really very shy, although no one would believe that, but I work really hard to put myself out there. And you know what? It totally pays off. I've met some awesome people in the past few years, and I hope to continue that trend in 2012.

3. Focus on saving money

I love a great deal. Here's a pic of the mound of bread I just got for $35. Yep, 20 loaves of high quality bread, plus buns & more. And you can do it too, no coupons required.

The thrill of a "big score" is fabulous, but I want to focus on how to save money in little ways. I need to get better about the day to day things. And it would help if Matilda Jane could release only ugly items in spring. Please?

4. Exercise

So cliche, I know. Even I hang my head in shame a little to add it here. But it really is about health. I don't feel the need to lose pounds, but I do want to put the pounds I have to better use. Being sick for the past, well, forever has shown me that the thing I miss most is moving my body. So here's to more of that.